The Dashboard is your central location to view and manage your account's sites. All of these can be accessed from the top navigation bar.
Following are the tabs on the top navigation bar and a description of what they contain.
When you log into the Dashboard, the sites tab is open by default. A list of all your sites is displayed.
On the Sites screen you have the following options:
Create Site. Click the Create New Site button to create a new responsive website.
Search. Type a site name in the search box to locate a specific site.
Site List. In order to help you quickly find the site you are looking for, the site list provides a snapshot image of the site. Snapshot images are updated daily.
Site Controls. Each site includes Edit, Preview, and Site Overview icons. Additionally, click the three horizontal dots icon to open a menu with the following options:
Rename Site. Only available for unpublished sites; once published, the name will update to the site's domain and not able to be changed.
Duplicate. To learn more, see Duplicate a Site.
Save as Template.
Reset Site. To learn more, see Reset Site.
Transfer Site. To learn more, see Transfer Site to a Different Account.
Assign Label.
Unassign Label.
Subscription. Displays the subscription status of the site (annual, monthly, or no plan). If the renewal icon (
) is green, the site subscription is set to auto renew. If it is gray, the site subscription is not set to auto renew. To view the renewal date or subscription end date, hover over the subscription.
Export CSV. Sends a CSV file containing the last 20,000 sites to your email. Only Account Owners and Staff Members can take this action. To learn how to export site list to CSV, see Export Site List to CSV.
Organize by Labels. You can organize your content in the platform by applying a label to each site. Labels help keep your site dashboard tidy by either allowing you to filter sites based on what label is assigned to them or by telling you more about what the site is for. For example, you can tag a label as Unfinished draft to let you know that this is a site you're still working on or you can tag multiple sites as John Doe Sites to let you filter all sites built by/for John Doe.
Status. You can see the Status of the site under the Status column.
Filter Sites. You can filter the list of sites by Labels, Creation Date, Last Published Date, and Site Status. To learn how to save a custom view, see Save Views of Site List.
Sort Sites. You can sort the list of sites by publish date, creation date, and site name.
Number of sites is found in your account and is available in the header of the Sites List.
Site Comments. You can see which sites contain unresolved comments.
Renewal Information. To view whether site renewal is turned on or off, hover over the subscription plan in the Subscription column next to the site. If the renewal is set to Off, the subscription end date displays. If renewal is set to On, the subscription renewal date displays.
The Stats section allows you to view the analytics of sites in your account. To learn more about stats, see Site Stats and Analytics.
The Account section includes the following options:
Account. Update the email and password associated with the account.
Payment. Review your payment history and upcoming charges.
Language. The platform can be translated into the following languages:
Spanish (Spain)
Dutch (Netherlands)
English (UK)
Spanish (Latin America)