Widget Categories: Basic
To share downloadable content with your visitors, use the File widget to upload a file that your site visitors can download with the click of a button. Share flyers, ebooks, and other documents by having them available for download. Your site visitors can share your download links easily through other sources, such as email and social media. Before offering content to download, make sure that you understand that your content could be spread without your knowledge. For documents that are sensitive or personal, think twice before sharing these documents via download. Only upload media or files that you have created or have permission to use; never violate copyright protections.
Any file (text, image, video, and so on) uploaded to the system is publicly available. No personal and/or confidential information should be uploaded. To remove the file completely, delete the file from the picker.
You cannot upload files to your root folder.
File names must use standardized characters (a-z and 1-9), or they will not be recognized by the editor.
Spaces within file names are not supported.
Type text to appear on the button.
To add files, click +Files.
The File Library window appears. To add files, click Upload Files.
Click an existing file to select it or click Upload File (if uploading a file, once it's uploaded, click it to select it).
(Optional) Check the box Set file to no index to tell search engines not to crawl this file so it won’t appear in search results.
Click Done.