Products are listed in the Product Catalog. From the Product Catalog, you can add new products and view or edit existing products. The Product Catalog uses connected data to connect to the Product page. This means when you add a new product, a new dynamic product page is created and the widgets on the page are connected to fields within the Product Catalog. When you update a product in the Product Catalog, the changes automatically appear on the corresponding product page.
The following product types are available:
Physical product. Sell merchandise, apparel and other physical goods.
Digital product. Sell e-books, digital prints, music, etc.
Service. Get paid for events, classes, gift vouchers, etc.
Donation. Receive donations or fundraising money.
Digital Products (also known as e-goods or downloads) are goods that are in digital format. Once purchased, customers are able to download or access them. Unlike physical products, digital products are intangible and do not require shipping or handling.
Following are examples of digital products:
E-Books. Electronic versions of books that can be read on computers, e-readers, or mobile devices.
Online Courses and E-Learning Materials. Educational content, including video lectures, PDFs, quizzes, and other materials that customers can access to learn a new skill or subject.
Music and Audio Files. Digital music tracks, albums, or audio files such as podcasts and audiobooks.
Video Content. Movies, documentaries, tutorials, or any video content that can be streamed or downloaded.
Templates and Documents. Pre-made templates for resumes, business plans, presentations, etc., that customers can customize for their own use.
Stock Photos. High-resolution images that can be purchased and used for various purposes such as advertising, blogging, or design.
This product type offers the ability to accept donations. An easy way to set the product up to offer different amounts is to set the price to $0 and include the amounts as selectable options.
Even though it's a donation, there may still be a processing fee from the payment gateway you are using. We recommend seeking guidance from an expert.
To add a donation product:
Follow the steps in the Add Products section. For the product type, select Donation.
In the Pricing area, set the Price to $0.
Set the desired donations amount in the in the Donation amount options area.
The option Select amount with values will be added by default. To edit the options, click on the Select amount option and edit the values as desired. Or, you can delete the default option (Select Amount) and create your own using Product Options.
In the Manage variants area, edit each variant’s price to match the variant type. To learn more, see Product Variants.
To add new products:
Click Manage Products.
Click +Add a product.
Select the product type. To learn more about the available product types, see Product Types.
Fill in the fields with the product’s info. For more information on the available fields, see Product Sections and Fields.
For better SEO, schema markup is automatically generated for every active product. If a product is set as a draft or editor preview, the schema will be removed.
Each product has the following sections and fields, depending on the type of product:
Upload the digital file you want to sell (Digital products only). Customers buying the product will receive an email with a download or redirect link immediately after purchase.
If a digital product is created without adding a file, it will be saved in draft mode until a file is added.
Up to 20 files can be uploaded per product, with each file up to 200mb.
When using the Link (URL) option, the data or file is not saved on the site or anywhere within Website Builder, this option simply provides a secure way to sell it.
Product info (section name will vary depending on the type of product).
Title. Name of the product.
Description. Use the text editor to write a description of the product.
Product Images. Add up to 10 images to showcase the product. PNG or JPEG are the supported formats.
Price. The price shoppers pay for the product. If you would like to include the tax in the product price, see Include Taxes in Product Price
Sale Price (Physical, Digital, and Service products). The price of an on sale item. Enable the toggle to mark an item as on sale. The Product Price widget on the product page will automatically display the sale price if this toggle is enabled (sale price will be noted on the Product Gallery widget as well).
Lowest price history. If the product is on sale, the lowest price within the last 30 days will display in the price widget on the product page. Enabling it for one on sale product will enable it for all other on sale products in the catalog.
Inventory (Physical and Service products; renamed Attendees limit for Service products).
Track inventory (Physical products only). Enable this option to set the number of items you want to sell before it’s out of stock. If the product has options, inventory will need to be set. For more information, see Product Inventory.
Track the number of people who buy this service, like in a paid class with limited spots (Service products only).
Status. Set the stock status to note if it is in or out of stock. If the product has options, inventory will need to be set. For more information, see Product Inventory.
SKU. Stock Keeping Unit.
Shipping (Physical products only). Turn this off for products that don't require shipping.
Options (Physical, Service, and Donation products only - not Digital products; section name will vary depending on product type). For more information, see Product Options. For more information on Options for the donation product type, see the Donations section.
Manage variants (Physical, Service, and Donation products). Each variant is a distinct sellable version of the product, based on the option values you entered per product. For more information, see Product Variants and Product Inventory.
Content Blocks (Physical, Service, and Donation products). Add more detail to your product page: brand, ingredients, and important notes. Content Blocks will show on all product pages of your catalog, unless they are left blank. For more information, see Display Additional Information about a Product.
Product SEO. Product page URL is formed automatically based on product name. The URL slug can be changed and it will override the default URL. To edit the Product SEO, click the three horizontal dots (
) icon next to Product SEO, then click Edit Product SEO.
Page Title
Meta Description
URL Handle. The URL slug overrides the default product page URL.
Status. You can set the status for individual products to be visible or hidden from the live store. This field does not use connected data to connect to a widget on your Product page. The available statuses are:
Active. The product is available for shoppers to view in your Store.
Inactive. This allows you to see a preview of what your product will look like in the live Store, but it will not be visible to shoppers in your Store.
Draft. Your product is saved in the Product Catalog, but it will not be visible to shoppers in your Store.
Content Blocks (formerly known as Custom Fields) are used to display additional information about a product on its product page, such as instructions or warranty information. To use Content Blocks, you need to create a Content Block in a product in the product catalog, add a widget to the product page where you want to display the content, then connect the widget to the content block in the product catalog.
You can add up to 50 content blocks per site.
To create a Content Block:
Click Manage Products.
Click the desired product to open it.
In the Custom fields section, click +Create Content Block.
Type a title (2000 characters maximum). This cannot be the same as another default field, such as the product name or description.
Use the What kind of content is this? drop down menu to select the field type. Currently, HTML/rich text, plain text, video, and image are supported. Only a single image can be added per Content Block. To add multiple images, a Content Block will need to be created for each one.
Click Create.
Add content to the custom field you just created.
Click Save.
Once created for one product, it will be available in the edit area for each product. The content block will only display on product pages when there is a value assigned to the content block for that specific product.
If you have not already, you need to add a widget to the product page where you want to display the content. To learn how to add a widget to the product page, see Store Pages and Connected Widgets.
You need to add a text, image, or accordion widget to the product page to define where you want the content from your content block field to display. The widget added must correspond to the content type of the custom field. For example, if you added a text field, you need to add a widget that supports text (for instance, a text or accordion widget). After adding the widget, you need to connect it to the custom field you created.
To connect a content block to a text or image widget:
In the side panel, click Sell Online, then click Store Pages.
Click Product Page.
In the side panel, click Widgets.
Drag and drop the desired widget onto your Product page.
Right click the widget and select Connect to data.
Use the drop down menu to select the field you created previously.
Click Done.
Product options can only be added to stores created after July 19, 2022.
Product options are not available for digital products.
If you sell products with options, such as color and size, you can create one product and add the options to the product instead of creating separate product listings for each option. For example, you can add a shirt as a product, then add color and size as options. Then for each option, you add option values. For the color option you could add red, green, and blue as option values. The option values display in a default drop-down menu or optional radio button format on the product page using the Product Options widget. Users can easily switch between these formats through the widget's content tab, with the default setting being a drop-down menu.
Options are combined to create up to 8 variations per product. The 8 variations can be created using 2 options with 3 values each, or 3 options with 2 values each. To learn more about creating product variations, see Product Variants.
When creating options, the option name and values must be in string format. The option name and values you create for one product are automatically saved so you can reuse them in other product listings.
To create product options:
Click Manage Products.
Click the product you want to add options to. Note that digital products cannot have options.
In the Product options section, click +Add options.
Type an option name. The option name appears on the Product page as a label above the Product Options widget.
Type option values, separating each value with a comma. The option values, which by default appear in a drop-down menu can also be displayed in radio button format. (Optional) To configure this, access the widget's content tab, where you can switch between drop-down and radio button displays.
Click Add, then click Save.
Once you add options to a product, the Product Options widget is automatically added to the Product page. If the Product Options widget is not showing up, you can add it to the Product page from the Widgets panel.
You can edit the option values, such as small, medium, large, for an individual product. For example, if you now offer additional shirt sizes, you can add the new sizes as option values to the size option you already created. You can use the same options with different values for different products. For example, shirt size option values can be S and M, while pants size option values can be XS, S, M, and L.
To edit option values:
Click Manage Products.
Click the product you need to edit option values for.
In the Product options section, click the three horizontal dots (
) next to the option you need to edit, then select Edit option values.
Type new values, separating each with a comma. Or, you can remove individual values by clicking the X next to the option value.
Click Apply, then click Save.
You can delete an option, such as size, to remove it from an individual product. Deleting an option also deletes the option values associated with it. If you want to delete an option value from a set of options, see Edit Option Values.
To delete an option:
Click Manage products.
Click the product you need to delete an option for.
In the Product options section, click the three horizontal dots (
) next to the desired option and select Delete option.
Click Delete, then click Save.
Product variants are combinations of product option values. For example, if you sell a shirt with two options: size (with values of small or medium) and color (with values of blue or red). The variants of these options are:
Small, blue
Small, red
Medium, blue
Medium, red
All options must be added before editing variants. If you add a new option after editing variants, it will overwrite all the edits you have made to the variants. To learn how to add or edit options, see Product Options.
To manage variants:
Click Manage Products.
Click to open the desired product and scroll down to the Manage Variants section.
Click Manage Variants.
Edit the following fields as necessary:
Image. Click to add an image of this particular variation.
Variant type. The combination of options. Cannot be edited.
Variant price. The base price of the product. Cannot be edited.
Price difference. The amount the price needs to increase or decrease from the base price. For example, if the base price is $40 and this particular variation costs $45, you would type +5 in the Price difference field. And if the variation price was $35, you would type -5.
Inventory. If the Track Inventory toggle is enabled, you can enter inventory in this field. To learn more, see Product Inventory.
SKU. The SKU is automatically inherited from the main product, but you can edit it if necessary.
On/Off. Toggle to the Off position to make the variation unavailable in your store.
Click Apply.
To manage inventory:
Click Manage Products.
Click to open the desired product and scroll down to the Inventory section.
To manage inventory manually at the product level, keep the Track Inventory toggle in the Off position. Use the Status drop down to select product status and type a value in the SKU field.
To manage and automatically track inventory at the variant level, set the Track Inventory toggle to the On position. You will be able to manage inventory on the Manage Variants screen.
Click Save.
Categories and subcategories allow you to structure your products in a way that helps shoppers find what they are looking for more quickly. Categories can be viewed on the Category page. To learn more about the Category page, see Category Page.
To create a category or subcategory:
Click Manage Categories.
Click Create a new category.
Use the drop down menu to select either A new category or A new subcategory.
(Optional) If you selected A new subcategory in the previous step, you need to select which category the subcategory exists under.
Enter a category name. The title appears in the Product gallery widget, if you configure it to display.
Enter a category description.
Use the Category products drop down menu to select which products belong in the category or subcategory. If you need to remove a product from the category, click the three horizontal dots (
) icon and click Remove product from category, then click Remove Product.
A product can be assigned to more than one category or subcategory.
In the Media section, click to upload an image. You can select a site image or upload a new image from your computer. After selecting your image, click Done. This image appears in the Product Gallery widget and on the category page.
Click Save.
Reordering categories changes the order in which they are displayed in the Product Gallery widget. You cannot move a subcategory from one category to another, you can only reorder subcategories within the same category.
To reorder categories or subcategories:
Click Manage Categories.
Hover over the desired category and click and drag the six dot icon (
) until the category is in the desired spot.
If you delete a subcategory, the products in that subcategory will be moved into the subcategory or category one level above it.
Deleting a category or subcategory cannot be undone.
To delete a category:
Click Manage categories.
Click the three horizontal dots (
) icon next to the category you need to delete, then click Delete category. Or, if you are deleting a subcategory, click the chevron (
) icon to expand the category and display the subcategories within it. Click the three horizontal dots (
) icon, then click Delete category.
In the pop-up, click Delete category.