Custom fields allow you to collect extra data like country-specific tax IDs, notes on how to fulfill orders, or any other information from your customers at checkout. You can add as many custom fields as you want to the standard one-page checkout in your Store.
The information that your customers submit using custom checkout fields appears in the order details and in admin order notifications. It can also appear in invoices and or in your Store's customer notifications. You can make filling out the fields mandatory or voluntary for your customers.
Custom checkout fields let you collect information for the whole order. To gather information for individual items, like custom sizing, see Product Options (Third Party Store).
You can add the following custom field types to checkout:
Text fields (single-line or paragraph)
Radio buttons
Date and time pickers
Selection buttons
It’s up to you to choose which field type best suits the data that you want to collect. For example, you can use date and time pickers for calendars, text fields for delivery instructions or gift messages, and selection buttons for customer feedback surveys.
One-page checkout in your Store includes entering an email address, shipping address, and pickup details, as well as choosing shipping methods, pickup methods, and payment options. You can add an unlimited amount of custom fields to any of the checkout steps except for the final “Thank you for your order” page.
To add custom fields to checkout:
In the side panel of the editor, click Sell Online, then click Manage Store.
Click Settings, then select General.
Click the Cart & Checkout tab.
In the Custom checkout fields section, click Add Custom Fields.
Click +Add Field.
Select the desired field type, then click Next Step.
Type a title for the custom checkout field (title has a 255 character limit), then add other field content according to its type. For fields with options, use the Option chosen automatically drop-down menu to select which option is selected by default.
Click Next Step.
Use the Select checkout step for field display drop-down menu to select the checkout step where the custom field appears.
Enable the Required field toggle if customers are required to complete the field or select an option before they can proceed with checkout.
Click Set up field display after order placement to change where the field data is displayed in the order details.
Enable the Show field in invoices and Show field in customer emails toggles, if necessary.
Click Create and Display at Checkout to publish the field, or click Create Without Display to finish creating the field without making it available for customers at checkout. You can enable or disable fields later.