Virtual Card Services (VCS) is a Payment Service Provider for all the major banks in South Africa and for State Bank of Mauritius. To set up VCS as your payment provider you need to set up your VCS account then enable it as a payment provider for your site. After it is enabled you can test it.
To set up your Virtual Card Services account:
Go to Paygate and click Client Login.
Click Login under VCS Virtual Terminal.
Go to Merchant Administration and then VcsInterfacing.
Set the merchant’s approved and declined URLs to: (where STORE_ID is your Store ID. This can be found on your Dashboard).
Set HttpMethod to POST.
Click Save.
Go to MerchantAdministration and then CallbackSettings.
Set the merchant’s approved and declined URLs to: (where STORE_ID is your Store ID. This can be found on your Dashboard).
Set CallBackProtocol to HTTPS and set CallBackMethod to POST.
Set ResponseFormat to NameValuePairs.
Click Save.
Go to MerchantAdministration and then Vcs Interfacing.
Enter MerchantPAM (Personal Authentication Message).
Send an email to with your secret word and quote your "VCS Terminal ID", requesting that the Hash Type be set to MD5.
To enable Virtual Card Services for your site:
Click Sell Online then Manage Store.
Click Payment.
Select VirtualCardServices from the Choose Payment Method dropdown menu.
Enter your terminal ID, Secret word, and PAM.
Click Save.
Make sure that your Store's currency is the same as your VCS account's currency. Otherwise your payment gateway will not work.
New merchants loaded on the VCS system have access to the VCS Test platform. VCS runs a response generator that has some fixed but mostly random responses.
Test Card Number |
CVC & Expiry Date |
Fixed simulated authorization response |
4242424242424242 |
Use any CVC number, e.g. 123. Use any valid expiry date. |
123456Approved where 123456 = any alphanumeric value |
5454545454545454 |
123456Approved where 123456 = any alphanumeric value |
5221001010000024 |
Call |
5221001010000032 |
Invalid Expiry |
5221001010000040 |
No Active Connection to Acquirer exists |
Any valid credit card number can be submitted to the test platform during the test phase because no real money is involved. The following responses occur randomly with any other card number used: "Invalid Terminal", "Declined", "Invalid Expiry", "Batch Full", "Call", "123456Approved".
Ensure that sufficient testing has been completed before requesting activation as once a terminal has been activated it cannot be reset into Test status.